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Three Oak Bay Campaign Announcements

Today I am pleased to release three significant announcements related to the Murdoch4Mayor Campaign.

These include a Person, a Platform, and an Event...

PERSON: Officially announcing that former long-time Mayor Christopher Causton is endorsing Kevin Murdoch for Mayor of Oak Bay. Chris will also be attending the Campaign Kickoff Event on February 22nd.

EVENT: I will be hosting a drop-in Campaign Kickoff Event for the community - a chance to talk about the future of Oak Bay

When: Thursday, February 22, 2018 from 3:00 - 6:00

Where: Penny Farthing Patio Room (at the back) 2228 Oak Bay Ave.

What: Have a coffee, talk with Kevin, socialize with your community

PLATFORM: I am releasing my Four-Pillar foundation for a positive future for Oak Bay. The details can be found in this PDF.

I look forward to seeing you at the event. click here to add the event to your calendar:

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